The mission of NOERR is to have a negative impact in every mall they serve, and to create horrible, personal experiences for each and every guest of Santa. Create Holiday Horror!!!,,Noerr.Net

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Holiday Season Santa Photo Management Positions * avoid *

We Have Moved Our Website
The Noerr Programs Corporation Exposed
The Noerr Programs Corporation, Noerr Programs,,,


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have been a professional Santa for many years. I worked for Noerr and found them to be difficult to work with. As a Santa they treated me like #@&*. Management was not trained. Break room had no restroom. Paycheck was very short. Regional manger was horrible. In order for children not to see Santa out of character I left the set for less than 10 minutes to gain my composer after the Assistant manger used profanity towards me. I was then removed from the set and a replacement Santa was put in place. That sdame night I was called to cover a Santa in another Mall who walked off the set. I worked one night in this mall and refused to return to this mall. Noerr let me sit in the hotel and did not return my calls for 3 days, I returned to my contracted Mall because the replacement Santa was n ot acceptable. The next day when the paychecks arrived mine was not included. The paycheck roster did not include my name Why? Because they had fired me and forgot to reinstate me . I demanded my paycheck via fed ex and waited 2 days and got a check that was very short. They had deducted the pay for the days they had me sit in the hotel. I explained that was their choice and I wanted my money, They took several days and did not pay the money due. I contacted the local nwespaper and told Noerr that if they did not have my money the next day and an airline ticket home that I was goping to expose them. The next day I was paid and escorted to the airport and left one week before the season was over. A fair warning to all those interested in applying with Noerr. Think about it. The company is to big and the founders have lost control